I have just signed a contract for my latest book 111 PLACES IN COLUMBUS THAT YOU MUST NOT MISS (Emons) to come out later in 2019.
From “Cowtown” to the biggest town in Ohio, Columbus has always been an incubator for new ideas and products. As home of The Ohio State University (yes, the “The” is capitalized) it is a college football crazy city with an intellectual flair and a test market for everything from brews (Starbucks) to burgers (McDonald’s, White Castle headquarters) to beer (BrewDog) to ice cream (Jeni’s, founded here). The intellectual firepower of some 50 colleges and universities combined with research powerhouses such as Battelle and Chemical Abstracts draw great minds from all over the world.
This book will cover the well-trod and not-so-much: from Thurber House and Greenlawn Cemetery to lesser-known spots like the Butter Cow and Aubergine Dining Club — the biggest/smallest, unique views, haunted/abandoned places, romantic spots, and more. More information about the 111 Places guidebooks.
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